Rufa Mae Ferrer

I am Rufa Mae Molina Ferrer. Born on November 19, 1997 at Pantudlan, Cabilao, Loon, Bohol. We have a humble kind of life in our island hometown. My father is an electrician and my mother is a housekeeper. I'm an only child.. What do you think the life of being an only child? A heaven? Or hell? Heaven, in terms of parent's advises, guidance, care and love with no competition. And hell, for being such overprotective, restrictive and demanding. But let us bear in mind that they do everything just for our own good. Cause they love us, unconditionally.

               RUFA MAE, my attitudes and values.

READY. I'm always ready more than a girl scout could be. I believe, in order to boost your confidence, be ready more than always.

UNDERSTANDING. I value my love ones. That's why in every situation, I understand them.

FEARLESS. Facing the world without fear.

ACHIEVER. My greatest asset, no one can ever get it from me.

MEDIATOR. Serves as a bridge of conflicts to resolution.

ALIVE. A life, full of lives.

ECCENTRIC. Never ever I can have.

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