Rufa Mae Ferrer

  Every people has time to take a break. Everyone needs to relax especially when they are stress from their work. Some people make their precious time valuable by spending it what they want to do during past time. So, here it goes their hobbies. We love to do things that made us feel the pleasure ,of course to kill bored....

So here,I'm gonna show to you top 5 of my hobbies. Who knows, we have the same. ..

LISTENING TO MUSIC-Introducing. My number 1 hobby and I. Hahaha! We must admit that music is already part of our life. It deeply struck our soul. Whenever we hear those, we feel that we are complete. In my part, I'm a great music lover. My heart really belongs to music. In fact I write songs about life, love, passion, struggles and family.
I listened music with this reasons;
1. I love music.
2. I want to be updated of the latest and newest release songs and artists.
3. I have this feeling and I can only feel this when I listen to music.
4. I want to imagine fairy-tales on it.
5. We can get lessons from it.
I keep myself believe that whatever your heart wants, go for it, make it as a reality.

READING BOOKS- In order to learn, you have to read. That's why it includes top 2 on my H-List. Mostly, the kind of books I read is about cultures, economics, legends and fantasies. I believe that these books, are part and contribution to the world in order that people will know what's really the fact. How about you? What's your choice??

FLOWER DECORATING- How I wish I could invite all of you in my house, to see how beautiful it is, full of flowers. Customize flowers designed and made great in its art. Some are made with mats, coconut leaves, cut-sack and unused clothes. This is also my way to show.and improve my creativity and art. What do you think?

PLAYING CURLS-  Playing. It doesn't mean that you're still a child when you play when the fact is, you love to play cause you grow up.
I love playing with my curls. This is so special to me, this is my father's gift during my 10th year birthday. Until now, I still have this, put at the top of my drawer with my stuff toys.
The funny thing is that, I play it just like a 10 year old child how happy when her father gave her that toy.
So you think, I'm that Kiddie ......

OBSERVING OUTSIDE -The way I can feel better, is to reminisce outside. See the leaves falling, the air breeze, the heat and light of the sun, the vehicles running back and forth and see how beautiful the world is. I remember when I was still 4 years old, I asked myself "Why do skies are blue, leaves are green and the sea water, why is it salty?". And now, I think I know the answer.

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